Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ratt - Infestation - The Worley Pig

Ratt, Infestation
Shamelessly unapologetic worshipper of the 80s Metal that I am, if you’d told me last year that in 2010 I’d be putting an album by Ratt, Los Angles-based icons of Hair Metal, on my list of favorite CDs, even I would have laughed you off the face of the Earth. So no one was more surprised than me to hear Ratt, valiantly holding on to most of its original line up (RIP Robin Crosby), sounding as on top of the rock world as they did in 1987, serving up a collection of classic metal songs with more visceral sex appeal and crunchy, loud guitars than you could imagine. Someone tell me where these guys are hiding their time machine.

from The Worley Gig

thought this was a good write up on this album, i too was surprised to find tunes u cld actually get into rather than it just sounding like a bunch of bside tracks that didnt make it into their 80s albums.

saw them at key club i think with warner drive- solid show... warren d is a fn great guitarist...

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